Better Late

5 things that make me happy:

1. Yes, my Physiology presentation is STILL over. I know I used it yesterday, but seriously. What a load of stress off my back.
2. I just realized that my eye has stopped twitching. It's been driving me insane for a few weeks. And now that #1 is out of the way... whew. Hello, relaxation of this nervous tension.
3. So productive today. Checking the important things off my To Do list - left and right.
4. I also just realized that I hit 850 entries four days ago. Huzzah! And two more days until I have exactly 500 photos published with no gaps. Did I think I could do it? Of course not. But I have. Well, almost.
5. Clean sheets + clean floors. It's the little things. And I enjoy a clean apartment.

Did I mention my physiology presentation is finished? I might not have mentioned I had one before it happened, but .... let's just say I don't like looking back on days when I've complained a lot. I prefer looking back on days and seeing what makes me happy.

Life is good. I love my friends. I love my family. I love my boyfriend. I love photography. What a sap.

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