Lynn's Photo Fun

By nuttymartini

Domino Sugars We'll Always Be Your Sugar

Inside the plant, the shifts come and go but the sugar keeps coming, 24 hours a day most days. By this time tomorrow, another 6.3 million pounds of the stuff will have been processed and shipped out, via truck and train, to a nation eager for a sugar high.

The 120-foot red neon sign that has illuminated Baltimore's harbor from atop the plant for five decades. It costs $100,000 a year to power and to keep the 1950s-vintage neon tubes in good repair.

A typical glazed donut has about 13 teaspoons of sugar, a chocolate bar nine teaspoons.

I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces, for they are the sugar to which all are attracted.
Og Mandino (philosophy of salesmanship)

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