LOL from Edinburgh

By lol

Bunny Suicides (2)

I trust Andy Riley won't mind me Blipping my desk calendar but this one took me a moment to work out what was happening for this suicide; making it well worthy of sharing!

It wasn't a case of 'no other blips' today but I reckon I'll have the option of Bunny Suicides when my out-of-doors activity is limited.

Don't think of me as slob though - I had my regular walk to work (cloudy and overcast) and again most of the way home before catching a bus so I could get a few hits of gouf in before it was too dark.
Only managed a TOTAL of 23 shots - with 15 of those from the same spot on the practice fairway - befroe night vision glasses were required! Never mind, I've my first match to look forward to on Sunday :-)

Oh, by the way, did you notice there is only one mouse for the Ark!

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