
By heraldino

Dwelling XI

Bad Really irritating news: - Give it up you losers

Not enough that our president has posted his Hawaiian birth certificate online? You perpetuate this myth of conspiracy that would embroil an entire hospital and countless physicians? In the absence of any real dirt on the man, you must just be desperately grasping at straws. Pathetic.

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Good news: - See? It's not just me

The lack of objectivity and sometimes opinionated news coverage on CNN has been irritating me for a while. It's fine if you want to have your own editorial show, Mr. Cooper but last time I checked you are still a news anchor, sworn to bringing all sides of the story to your report with equal fervor. Not to say that there wasn't justification for the repeated use of the word 'lie' in context with the Mubarak regime but if you can feed us your view on that, what else could you potentially feed us? The good news is that he is being frowned upon by his peers.

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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