
Stiff neck much better so I chose to take the day off and did ablolutly zilch, nada, nothing. Took doggies out, got my daughter's car sorted, bought a book. Actually found it hard to pick from the ones the book shop had displayed , thought about one called The Room but it looked depressing, there was another one about some woman's cancer cells (Thought about that one) but eventually plumbed for a dectective one called Bleed For Me ( a while since Ive read a trashy dec novel.) Did a washing and got it dried in the laundry, aoll in all a quiet day.

WEather rubbish for going out to take blips so resorted to this shot of all the junk that sits by the fire. The Hedgehog belonged to my mother (she was indeed a prickly character), the little Airdale terrior with the boken ear was a Christmas pressie from my late mother a few years back. (you know you have grown up when your mother buys your pressies in the charity shop!), the big black sheep I bought for myself as it reminds me of me!, the dragon is acutally one of these incense burners, you put the cone under it and smoke comes out its nose! I bought this too as it reminded me of my mother!, the monk at the back I also bought as it rminded me of a comic charectyer in the Topper called Big Fat Boko & Boko was our pet name for my late dad. Finally the big brass pig that still needs polished (I know I know) another from my folks.
They just sit there by the fire. My pal who hates ornaments when she is here says "why do you keep these dust gathering things?" my reply, Remember man that thou art dust...and into dust ye shall return so what is a little dust! they are my there!

I promise to look for a better blip tomorrow

Have a good dusty blip evening all

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