Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Matag Man

Growing up in the sixties and seventies I became most familiar with the TV personna of the Maytag Man. He seemed like such a cheerful and honest fellow, a genuine man of the proletariat.

Well I suppose I buy Tide detergent because I see it on the side of a racecar, and who wouldn't use Trojan condoms after hearing the cries of "Trojan Man"? and what child wouldn't pester their mother to no end to buy a cereal with a slogan like "Tricks are for kids!"?....

So I was just succumbing to my subliminal psyche when I opted for the Maytag Neptune.....

I was such a putz.....

If I ever get my hands on the Maytag Man I'll punch that smug little f..k right in the nose......


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