must try harder

By halfcj

Easy like Sunday morning.

Our Sunday morning was just that. Easy. Pottered. Bit of breakfast. Took a few photos of my brother and his wife (they were nice).

It was short lived. We were expecting my Aunt and Uncle for sunday lunch, so it meant I had to cook earlier than usual and B was in a panic. Panic is not quite the right word, more like fraught. She aways wants it all to be perfect. Just so. Every time we have people over it has to run smoothly, she has to be 'ready'. It's worse when it's family, I know not why. Add to that her inisistance that they must have something to do. We have become a 'childless' house. We're no longer childproof either. "we have to have someting for them to play with!" she was muttering as she wandered through the house looking for the boys old toys and DVDs.

We always get to see this Aunt and Uncle at the very least over Christmas. This past christmas, diaries seemed to clash, so here we are in February and only just getting to swap christmas pressies! It's always good to see them, such a nice tight family unit with their two girls (my cousins) and their respective families. In fact, they had brought my cousin J's two youngest with them - all members of that family have christian names that begin with J - known as the Jays - what must it be like for post in their house?. Funny that. There's us deliberately choosing different initials to make sure that was never a problem!

It's been a year since we had seen the kids, and they had grown a fair bit in that time.

Two nicer kids you couldn't wish for. They were amazing, not once complaining, finding their own entertainment, polite, asked nicely for anything they fancied or needed and said their pleases and thank-yous at exactly the right moments. B had nothing to worry about.

However, where Jamie the youngest was concerned, his entertainment had one mandatory feature. It had to include in particular. Now don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it and actually had a lot of fun with him, he was like a tornado that could talk for England! Yes it's easy to make a 5 year old laugh!, but it's exhausting because once you start, you cannot stop. He also took some photos for me and I did consider using one of them, but to be honest, he is such a gorgeous little boy that I had to use a shot of him. He's quite photogenic and indeed has been used in ads and I can say that once he had left, I felt pretty exhausted.

Of course, I wasted no time, getting straight onto facebook and posted:
Tornedo Hits Hampton!
Earlier today, there were reports of a Tornedo touching down in Hampton and whilst is appears no-one was actually hurt during this latest episode, it is not likely to be clear, until later on this evening, quite how extensive the damage has been. :)

Cute as he is, as much fun as we had, don't let the dreamy eyes fool you into believing that this kid is a walk in the park. Respect to his mum. I was sad to see him go. We had a lot of fun.

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