All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Brainstorming babies

My friend Paula stayed over with her 2 wee boys last night at our holiday cottage. I think Ethan was pretty pleased when he realised this morning that his playmates were still here!

She was also acting as supernanny today as she had agreed to babysit Ethan while hubbie and I went out for the day. I think she did wonder "what on earth have I agreed to" as we drove off, leaving her with 3 boys under 3 to look after though! However, she was amazing and managed to get Ethan to have a nap, took the boys out for a wander round the supermarket (she was aiming for the country park until it rained - the only day since we've been here that it has rained!) and even cooked a meal from scratch for them all. What a star!

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