Dave Akerman

By daveake

Carpet Light

A nice carpet of snowdrops just along the lane from us :-)

Coincidentally, we're awaiting the attentions of a certain well-known carpet store who will be laying some nice soft vinyl flooring in my other'half's bathroom. They require us to remove any existing flooring so we lifted the carpet and then quickly remembered just how uneven the floorboards are underneath! The builders had a bit of fun rearranging the plumbing when the original buyers decided to have the boiler moved, and the end result is some convoluted pipework and some cut-and-patched-up floorboards.

So today was spent cutting up some thin hardboard sheets to the shape of the bathroom floor. Not the easiest of jobs but I was pleased with the results.

So with that done, and waiting for the BBQ smoker to finish the Sunday roast, we took a short walk along some of the village lanes. Another overcast day and the only thing lighting up the dreary views was this carpet of snowdrops.

Roll on Spring proper!

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