Little girls

Star-shaped pancakes for breakfast and lots of cuddles with my boys. In the afternoon, I photographed my very first reception. It was lots of fun, and the families were amazing. It's always the best to be in a room filled with love.

Since my photos rarely match my titles, I figured I'd try a little harder this time. Being that I only have boys, I never get the chance to photograph girls. One of my coworkers was watching me photograph during the reception and made the comment, "You're just taking photos of all the little ones!" I made sure to inform her I had photographed plenty of old people like her. *wink* *smile* She was right though...I am drawn to the little ones.

So in an effort of time this evening, I've chosen a quick little shot...but a favorite. She's checking out the little fish swimming about in a clear, glass beer stein. Cool, huh?

It's off to the living room to do some yoga with the boys.

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