The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

San Sebastian

Packed up wet tents. Sky grey but clearing. Walked a long way but finally got lift into Pamplona with a girl who recommended Lisbon. Did a bit of shopping in town then started out for San Seb. We walked for ages until we got a lift with a hippy type. He spoke some English and told us all about the Basque region. Dropped us off in a rainy town with a muddy road. Sheltered in a bar for a while. Then we started to walk again - and walk - and it pissed it down. Walked up and down and up again and got wetter and wetter. Finally a compassionate motorist picked us up and took us into San Sebastian. We found a hostel which was full of Interailers from Oz and the US. A crap hostel. Had tea next to an empty swimming pool with a bar complete with surly barman. Took a walk into town as it had brightened up. Back for the curfew.

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