Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

they got dirty

Today i spent the day helping my best friend paint his new apartment. i was on ceiling duty.. let me tell ya. i was the shortest one there and i was painting ceilings lol! that and the tallest guy there was also painting ceilings.. quite funny looking back on it. it was a lot of fun, got in a decent workout.. (i'll probably be thinking tomorrow what did i do to my back ?! lol) and had a good time with my best friend and company. i was HIGHLY tempted to get a blip of the guys doing whatever it was they were doing..but well that opportunity never presented itself. lol!

so instead..you get the aftermath of painting.. my glasses are bespeckled ^_^ .. "Help i've been spotted!" haha

thankfully it comes right off.

have a great one!

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