
By Appreciation

Sugar Rush

My day started with the 12.40am text saying I want to come home now. We have always said, whatever is happening, if it's not for you, call - no questions, we will be there. She did. I went, in pj's, hoping no-one else was coming in the car.

Climbing back into bed I remembered how lovely it had been to have the bed to myself. No.1 boy had sprawled, in my absence, and was in the middle of a snor-a-thon. It was some time before he finished, despite my helping him to the finish line with a few well placed left footers.

So I got up late, manipulated my boy's knee and sat dazed as they made noise all around me. I can't do late nights like the young anymore, despite my being only 21 and some. No. 1 took off back to bed.

We had planned a day away, but the weather reports suggested snow and texts from family suggested that too. No. 1 had awoken with a migraine, so all in all it didn't seem like a good idea.

I spent most of the day glued to the screen trying to book a holiday. When I finally decided, having ruled out all the pets allowed, only double bedrooms, no wi-fi (can a teenager manage to breathe without wi-fi for 5 days?), too remote, no dishwasher, too bloody dear cottages, it was late afternoon.

The natives were restless and reminded me that lunch had not been served! The cheek of it. Off to a local diner type cafe. Fabulous Italian style and great food. But the ice cream is renowned. Their Irn Bru sorbet is talked of the land over. A hot chocolate sundae and the pictured marshmallow chocolate fudge sundae hit the spot. I sat with my nose in the air, I don't like ice cream, and delicately drank my flat white. Well that was after my plate of chips. At least mine contained vegetables - two- if you count the ketchup.

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