Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Sea at St Andrews

We popped into town to get young master Jake a haircut this afternoon and to pic up some bits and bobs and round the afternoon off with a walk by the sea with the hounds.

Although it was cold, it was actually not as bad as I thoguht it might be. As we drove down to the West Sands we noticed the water was crashing over the walls and onto the pavement. Its not often you see this, so of course we stopped :) I was amused by just how many people stood there and got a soaking! Mr Lif was lucky not too - a wave snuck up on him as he was fiddling with his camera

It was nice to be out after a long grey week and although I took a fair few pictures, sadly none of them do justice to the stormy stormy sea. Must try harder.

Time for a Saturday night Cava, I am sure Lady La La will be joining me in spirit this evening whilst she enjoys her hols!

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