With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Behind the goal for once

I fully expected the boys to be grumpy this morning as we had a fun sushi night with friends last night until late. But they were on top form, playing and laughing together in the square and then at the torrada (barbecue) for all the teams of Ben's age at the club. No match or practice for once, but a kick around for over thirty people after we'd eaten. Then the older teams arrived for their matches, so we stayed for one. It was great to mill about without the stress of the match as parents. I felt very much integrated with my fellow townsfolk and very lucky to have a lot of kind friends about me. The years of teaching I have done here means I know a lot of the children playing too. Some of them are so grown up now. Boy can they kick the ball hard! The match we watched got pretty rough and blows were nearly exchanged on the bench at one point. Exciting stuff!

We're off to another Mallorquin friend's house for dinner tonight. It's a secret from the boys with whom, to make it more fun for them when we arrive to surprise the birthday boy.

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