Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

Performance Art at Triple Kirks

So I'm walking across the Denburn Viaduct en route to go and see Tattie Jam do a "Lunchtime Live" slot at the Lemon Tree and I come across this scene outside the Triple Kirks.

Given the current proposals to redevelop (some would say desecrate) this site I thought at first it was some sort of protest.

I soon discovered, however, that it was performance art part of the TIPA event. Now I've never really seen any performance art before but if the idea of it is to be thought provoking then this work certainly does it for me! A pig's heid, a table set with bowls filled with soil, bits of dead birds and a guy with a pair of tights over his head sitting (sometimes standing) there for six hours - what does it all mean? I suppose that's open to interpretation :-)

I headed off to The Lemon tree and after some musical entertainment (and a tasty luncheon) passed by on my way back to work to see the police leaving the scene apparently after receiving complaints about it.

I think it makes an interesting subject for a blip and given the location is at Triple Kirks I also reckon its worth tagging for this month's ABZ blipchallenge ;-)

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