
By dsyglsy

brave girl

so...after two gp appointments, a g-docs appointment (where two doctors had a look) and an a&e appointment daisy finally got an x-ray on her elbow and it is broken...and has been for nearly four weeks.

it's pretty bad that the doctors didn't decide to x-ray it earlier, but the fact is that daisy never mentioned that she had bashed it, or ever said that it was sore. even when the doctors were poking about at it and trying to straighten it, she only really winced. she must have a high pain threshold this one...she'll be glad of that if she ever has babies...

what a girl she is...of course, I feel like the worst mother in the world - sending her to school with a broken arm, taking her ten-pin bowling on her birthday and even taking her for bike rides - all with a broken arm. but she never complained once...and thank goodness it's healing well in the right place.

daisy - you're a wonder...

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