
This morning we had a good time at Gymboree followed by a quick whizz around some shops. Kerr fell asleep in the buggy while I whizzed around, so I had to spend an hour in TK Maxx to allow him to nap. What a shame! I didn't buy anything though, just browsed until he woke up.

This afternoon we pottered around the house dodging workmen. We played with Lego and read some books. The new back door and kitchen windows went in today, minus the glass which should arrive tomorrow.

We went to mum and dad's tonight to collect kerrsdaddy from the train. Kerr did lots of 'drawing' on a sketch pad. He has started holding pencils and crayons like this recently, which amuses us as neither of us has shown him how. He also always uses his left hand, even if I hand the pencil to his right hand he then switches to the left. Kerrsdaddy and I suspected very early on that Kerr might be left handed and we still think it quite likely, although I'm not sure when it becomes obvious.

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