Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Grandparents picking up from nursery and smallest member of the family managing to hold on to solids in small amounts. I thought a walk in the spring air would do us both good. I thought I would explore Bennington Lordship as it is open through out Feb for its snowdrop display. Thankfully I took Will in the Ergo as it wasn't really buggy terrain.

Came home to receive a text from Grandparents, Carys had been sick! Oh no the BUG strikes number two. And it hit twice more before I got her home. Both kids now in bed a sleep and one Mummy dreading the morning! Also sad because I think my girls day out with Carys on Staurday to the Indoor Athletics Grand Prix in Birmingham may be at risk. fingers crossed she improves quickly.

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