Van Rides

By vanrides

Red sky in morning, sailor's warning

Woke up, got out of bed (woke up, lay in bed for sometime)
Dragged a comb across my head (showered)
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup (don't have stairs, made a 4 banana milk shake, then cerial, tea and toast)
And looking up, i noticed i was late [was really early and the postman had been kind, but not nearly as kind as a certain Edinburgh family who had sent the most wonderous book and card. Cannae wait to read it. thank you so much(you know who you are)]
Found my coat and grabbed my hat (felt mild so opted for a cardigan and styled my hair/ruffled neatly)
Made the bus in seconds flat (warmed up the car)
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke (again no stairs and definitely no smoking)
Somebody spoke and i went into a dream (good morning to the boss, no time for dreaming... well maybe a day dream or two)

Television, Drug of the Free. by Disposable Heroes of Hipocrisy. A fitting song for my morning, and for my new read.

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