Every day is an adventure

By SJRKG1999

Come Fly With Me ....

04.00 - Out of bed
05.00 - defrost the car
05.30 - Arrive airport
05.45 - Meet my old boss who now does Airport Security for a living
06.05 - Plane delayed waiting on deicer?
08.00 - arrive Gatwick
08.30 - Arrive office
09.00 - commence first meeting
10.50 - finally get a coffee
11.00 - next meeting commences
13.40 - quick lunch
14.00 - prepare documentation required
15.00 - starting to wilt still got another meeting to go
16.30 - taxi to airport
17.30 - check gate (see picture)
18.00 - meet my boss at the departure gate and try to bring him up to speed on the days events ......
18.15 - fly home
19.40 - get back to car
20.15 - home to excited kids (what have I brought them from my short holiday) must have been a holiday if I was on a plane????
21.00 - upload blip and go to bed

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