
By anni

It's not what you say but what you do

Had a parents night at school tonight. They had asked a well known youth & chilhood worker to come and speak. The most entertaining parent's night so far and he was a brilliant speaker... He did have a couple of simple messages, too. One of them being love is not what you say but what you do. And what you do is not measured in how perfectly well you listen to and take care of the childs needs but rather in meeting the child's dissappointment when you see that he/she is doing his or her little chores. Be it picking up her hats and mittens in the hallways or bringing the dirty laundry to the basket, you name it.

So basically his idea was that if we parents don't teach our kids to meet this kind of small dissappointments, there is likely to be trouble later in life.

Hmmm. Not saying I'm good at that but yes, I could agree.

Yay, almost Friday now! Good night!

(And a long day and busy evening resulted in blipping a half dried rose which has already been blipped three weeks ago... Sorry :))

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