Sari Kiz

By sarikiz

Turkish lunch options

I came back from my meeting in the West End and surfaced at Chancery Lane tube - lunch time was upon me. Thoughts of healthy Sushi were thwarted by the smell of the Turkish stall at Leather Lane market. I had seen these guys before, but never tasted- today was the day. I think they were making something like Sac Kavurma which is small pieces of lamb cooked on the heat with onions, green peppers and tomatoes. This was not yer Doner kebab oh no.

A good blip opp, but I had to use my crappy mobile phone camera. While waiting in the queue I had to wrestle with the option of extra grilled Halumi on top of the lamb for an extra £1..... hmmm to cheese or not to cheese?? Well methinks no Turk in their right mind would add Halumi to Sac Kavurma so I went for unadulterated lamb and salad with chilli flakes and yoghurt and saved a £1.

Did it pass the taste test?? Well OK, but I'll have Sushi next time....

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