Kibble Palace 2

Well we didn't win the quiz last night but came second which was very respectable. My favourite question came up at the end which was to name the gang of 4 who formed the SDP. (I always remember the one a lot of people forget - Bill Rodgers - partly because I once took his photograph!).

Tonight was a follow up to the Blip I did on Tuesday. Its a really tight schedule to get this picture. The lights go on around 17:35 and the park gates close just before 18:00. So its a very short window of opportunity. In a week or two it will be impossible as the lights won't go on until after the gates close. (They do open later in the Spring/Summer)

I got this one before I ran out of time. I had another idea for a picture so I may return for it in a few days (then again maybe I'll leave it until next winter).

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