Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Wet Geum

Poor thing - its head is all heavy and moth eaten from the vile weather. It should know better than to flower at this time of year. They are pretty wee flowers but they don't normally appear until around April and then flower all the way through till September if they are dead headed. This one seems to have its seasons confused and is suffering accordingly!

Spent the afternoon at the hairdressers. Not the usual relaxing experience as my usual hairdresser was replaced by the one who looks like a baboon's bottom on heat. Her hair drying technique involves blasting the dryer directly into your ear and moving it around the earhole to generate a god awful noise and sensation. I rewarded her ineptitude by refusing to engage in meaningful conversation. I feel disgruntled! And I wasnt even offered the massaging chair when my hair was rinsed. Pah....

Best go and chill I think - see if my humour improves :)

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