I knew yesterday's excellent sleep was just a fluke. Rubbish night last night. Usually Radiohead is guaranteed to send me to sleep, but last night I lay awake and listened to the whole album. And then more albums besides.
Despite that, there was still packing to do, until rain stopped play. Not too many super-heavy things today - thanks to my dismantling the bathroom cupboard. Tomorrow I'm told may be fridge-freezer day... I'm quaking.
Aside from that, there was some revision of French building terms, majoring today on roofing (zinguerie). If I'm going to be a translator on the site then I need to know what the heck 'solin' means (flashing). I even know how to translate 'naissances tronconiques'. Dunno what they are, but I know the English words to relay to Mr B.
Tonight's shot represents more of the kind of tidying I can really relish. No point carrying expensive wine and risk breaking it, when we can just use it before we go! This (Chateau les Pins) is probably our favourite Cotes du Roussillon wine. We were lucky enough to discover it fairly early in our time here, when there was still money to spend on yummy wine. This is the 1996, and jolly fine it was too. I know the muck on it makes it look waaaaaay older, but that's just our magic wine cellar (aka the cupboard under the stairs) which is so damp that all wine labels look well aged after a few months in there. I also discovered tonight that the Mas Amiel 2007 Muscat is a perfect accompaniment to tarte au citron. Just noting that down for the wine buying tour Mr B has promised me once we are settled in the new place.
Oh, I love tidying.
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