
By murraymonster

Silver linings

Frantic running around this morning in a lack-of-sleep induced fug, followed by mad dash to airport. Tried to park in the wrong carpark...doh! Lots of rummaging in work bag to winkle out any potions that would cause a minor security alert and dump in clear plastic bag. Removal of belt and jacket. Shoes stayed on in my queue but not in adjacent one...?!?! Electronics etc dumped in trays - I have too many gadgets! :-/ Once everything re-stashed in bag, headed for the cafe. Overpriced cappuccino in hand and joined by colleague. Had just donned the frothy milk moustache when flight cancellation announced.

Elation follows disgruntlement as day working from home and chance to catch up on project work now beckoned, instead of day trapped in darkened meeting room dreaming up new ways to torture the beleaguered sales force. Hoorah!

There are silver linings in at least some clouds! :-)

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