Please be Patient...

I just had to snap this one, it was on the back of a Driving Instructors car and it was rather timely today.

I was in a supermarket car park when a little girl of all about two years old fell over, trying to keep up with her fast walking mum. Her mum yelled at her from a distance and called her stupid. As I helped the little girl from her fall her mum came back, and continued to berate her child! Pointing to this sign on the car (while waiting to see if I need to run for cover) the mum went in to shocked silence for mere second (seemed like hours) and a much more patient mum emerged.

We all do it, we all lose our patience from time to time, it's human but what does it achieve? I'm going to try and keep this in mind when I feel mine going next time! Just because something looks easy to us does not mean it is easy to the next man! We are all constantly learning and patience with others and ourselves will never be wasted!

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