nogbad's blips

By nogbad

Remember when.......

Remember this foggy shot? I mentioned then that this is a charming spot in better weather and here is that view today. It's a spot of shingle beach between Hythe and Sandgate and the image above is looking towards Sandgate and then on to Folkestone. At the top of the hill on the left is Shorncliffe which is where the Gurkhas are based and beyond that is Cheriton; home of the English end of the Channel Tunnel. Behind me and past Hythe is the Romney Marsh and Dungeness.

As you'll see it was a beautifully sunny day, the colours are "as taken", but you can't see the biting wind - it's still cold but at least the rain held off today. This is my second free day this week and I have a feeling that this is the last week for a while where I'll have this much space.

Have a happy Wednesday!

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