Flying Green Bug!

Dropped Spence off at daycare this morning then Kaz and I had to go into the city for our appointment with the IVF doctor. The appointment wasn't until 2.45pm but we live about an hour and a half away so I wanted to leave about 1pm. There were roadworks in our town so we left a bit earlier. It was like I wasn't meant to go to the appointment today! First there was a cement truck blocking our way in our street so we had to wait for that for about 5 minutes. We then had to wait for about 10 minutes at the edge of town for road works and then there was an accident about 20 minutes down the road and the traffic wasn't moving at all. We turned around and went another way but thought we were going to be at least half an hour late for our appointment! We did eventually make it on time which was good!

The doctor said that I was very unlucky that none of the six eggs we have used so far haven't worked and that he will adjust the dose of drugs and go again! I have a scan on Monday to see when we can start! Hopefully it works this time!

We picked Spence up from daycare and then came home. Spence and I played outside with a ball and then on the swings and slide. We went over to Joe and Bev's to see how Joe was feeling and also to have a jump on their trampoline!

We were coming home and I saw what I thought was a green cicada on the side of the house. I pointed it out to Spence and then it flew down closer to where we could see it. I ran inside to get my camera while Spence was still looking at it. I was taking photos and Kaz came out to see what we were looking at. The bug suddenly flew away near the ground and landed on the fence. About one second later a bird flew down from nowhere and ate it!! After looking on the Internet I think the bug might be a Katydid?? Not really sure!


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