Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Aqualina gushing

So happy to arrive at our little piece of Gulf island today!! Haven't been here since New Year's for 2 days so here is a mini report for my journal.
Walked the trails - oh my there is a lot of trail work to be done as there was another big windstorm and many fallen branches everywhere. No big trees tho :-) I was happy to see my rock labyrinth on the top of the hill has been untouched, but clearly used by the deer (piles of poop)--I expect to see the deer more centered and less jumpy now! :-)
The pond is overflowing- the water hawthorn are happily blooming.
There are some iris blooming,
And, for this blip, Aqualina is gushing water!! Explanation: when we bought this property in 1990 there was a pond collecting right at the spot where the wharf would arrive on the land, so we filled it with gravel and a pipe and I made this concrete creature around the drain pipe. The picture shows about half of her. And I'm sorry she's very dirty - my friend R needs to come and wash her again as she has in the past. (she's actually green) In the summer it's totally dry, but now she is doing her best with all the water that drains down to our NW corner of the island. I keep thinking we really should collect it for water to fight a fire instead of directing it back to the ocean, but that would involve an electric pump. A tank up the hill would be more practical. There is no end to the work and projects that could happen. We still love it!

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