worth the wait...
sometimes you just have to be patient... and then - the pay off happens...
i find i'm becoming one with the geese - how funny is that? it used to be that i'd get all startled with their sudden flurry of wings... their taking off - especially when it suddenly happened around me... but no more, really... it always comes with a warning, after all. they begin that incessant honking - chatting with one another about their plans - and then comes the flapping of wings - spreading, relaxing, spreading, relaxing - the honking gets louder and then you feel the wind from all the wings around you as they lift themselves off the ground... and if you're fortunate enough... quick enough to remember... to snap that little button on the camera... you can actually capture some amazing shots of geese in flight - or taking off... wings outspread. if you have become one with them, you can almost imagine your feet lifting off the ground with them, being carried away a bit in flight... in motion, in movement with them - before you come crashing down to the ground...
happy day.....
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