Strange journey

By hrund

Parent meeting

Been dreading this for some time now...... parent meeting :S
Been imagining what his head teacher would say to us.... that he was causing massive trouble, having all kinds of hyperthingy and other weird stuff.
She started the meeting saying Ja.... Úlfur já hann er bara hann !
Which means Úlfur is just him ! -------- now that just sounded to scary :S I probably looked like a ghost expecting her to go on... but it got better. He is naughty and full of energy but also very kind and likes to listen to stories and sing. He talks a lot and can do everything he is supposed to :)
So we went back home very proud parents.

ps. Úlfur was not in nursery today. He has had the Norovirus and been very poorly in his tummy. He would have loved all these toys though in the hall :)

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