Me and Max

By grete


Another reason to photograph: interaction...

Ever since adorning my neck with that mono visioned little creature called Max, I have spoken to people I never would have had conversations with otherwise: A brewer from England searching for the secret bacteria behind thick milk, a kind of yoghurt (apparently the knowledge is long lost), a young man who loves ducks but hates gulls (in truth a bird racist), a group of young Italian girls trying to teach me their language (no, not mANgiare, but mangiARe, as in eat), a shy Norwegian teenager with spots and bracers badly wanting to become a photographer, a bird loving lady in fur who buys cornflakes and raisins and sunflower seeds in bulk to feed ducks and thrushes in various bird spots in Oslo....

I could go on.

When my kids were little, they were the icebreakers. Now it is Max the camera....

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