Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Big problems today with the software blocking me out of the system; but in other ways lucky for me. As I sat in someone else's office trying to sort it out, I was entertained by a Wonder Dog on the bowling green. I have seen him before but only now and again while passing by the windows. No views like this from the Gable End. Today was an earlier sighting than before and he was in his element. A whirling dervish of a dog, dashing in front of his owner/rollerman and scooting off into unseen corners, only to return in an instant with unseemless energy. And then a brief pause to pee on the roller to mark his ownership of the bowling green. Well done Doggie, that will confuse them!

When/if I ever get one, his name will be Harvey. Unless I kidnap the bowling green man's dog. No, I would never, because he must be one of the happiest dogs I have ever seen, and though dog-less, I get so much enjoyment from watching his antics.

I must find out his name one day.

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