Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Waterproof feather jacket?

So it would appear.
I thought, at first, that she had little mites on her back!
(Bless me) I blame these new glasses!

I meant to go further afield today.
The rain is fairly relentless and so is the tickle in my throat, so I've wimped out.
Am determined that a positive attitude will overcome any further episodes of 'man' flu, or its (clearly more serious, female) relative.
(A grumpy blanket descended upon us last weekend, which I'm not prepared to pander to two weekends in a row!)
Today feels like one of those after Christmas, empty... 'Nothing' days.
(One of those days which begs a Christmas present to be rediscovered and played with. Perhaps a good-intentioned, worthy even, gift that just wasn't exciting enough to tear open on the day.. A jigsaw perhaps!)
A responsible person might consider the ironing to be a suitable enough pastime for a day like today.
I wish someone would call and ask me a trivial question that I know the answer to... Like, ''where does the quote 'gone, gone and never called me Mother', come from?''
(How DID we manage without t'internet?)

Procrastinating? Who?

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