An Occasional Glimpse

By Wrenza

Weigh Out

So about a month ago I decided I needed to lose weight mainly because I was feeling very uncomfortable. Two weeks ago I weighed 15 stone 7 having only lost a pound that week.

This week - well you can see above.

Fantastic weight loss - except most of it was via surgery.

I was admitted last week into hospital with severe abdominal pain. I had emergency surgery at midnightish on Wednesday. A 20 cm ovarian cyst was removed from my right ovary. The right ovary itself had twisted and gone necrotic - this was the pain. By the end of the operation I had received a full hysterectomy. I have a line of staples wending it's way past my belly button and orders to do very little housework for the next 6 weeks.

I tend to be a fairly pragmatic person. It had to be removed, and anything that went wasn't really needed anymore. I would like to have done it in a slightly less dramatic manner but what's done is done.

This will be the last weigh in for a while though. Exercise is a slight problem now and I'm eating exactly what I want after fasting for 3 days and hospital food for 4. There will be more to come off as the swelling goes down but right now that's not important. Having a cuddle from your family, sleeping in your own bed, and not being in enough pain to tear out your hair is more than enough for me.

I'll add some nice back blips in a minute as well. My stockings are to die for.

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