
By covet

Valentines girl

Woohooooooo.....!!! It's my birthday. 25 today.

I stayed up late last night to see the bf when he got in from work- well worth the wait! Andy presented me with the most gorgeous Alexandrite earrings, and I introduced him to our new yucca. Magic. I just know this image will forever bring back memories of today, this week, this year.... And the flamingo cuddly toy = an excellent bonus present :)

And today, I was treated to lunch with a good friend, yummy coffee and cake, and at work, the surprise 4pm birthday party- I love it! After work, met up with the girls, including the gorgeous Haberdashery, for cocktails and - of all things - a takeaway Mexican feast.... Birthdays should be exactly like this.

Both my parents have said to me today that they basically both feel old, having a daughter reach a quarter of a century. Great. But today has been a super super exciting day, filled to the brim with good news, amazing opportunities and a whole pile of fun. Got a very big week ahead - up north tomorrow for an otter survey, and I absolutely can't wait, then down south on site. Eek! This might just be the best week ever, and I never thought I'd say that again after I saw Beyonce....! X

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