
By spitzimixi

hey, we're all still alive, aren't we?

some days are just mondays. it's not always that mondays insist on happening on mondays but today I had a monday on a monday. which is pretty cool, really, looking back at it now it's nearly over.
after a grand four hours of sleep, I was lucky enough to wake up with a stiff shoulder, a headache and a child clamped to me. there was no milk left for breakfast and no food for me to take along for lunch. a lorry was blocking our road, so I couldn't drive the right way, only the long way round...straight on to long tailback on the motorway. the work I was told I wouldn't have to do was patiently waiting for me in the office and then I found out that daughter1 had an appointment at the eye doctor's, which I'd forgotten about. so, I left work early instead of working late, went shopping and then dashed back to town with child to go to the county hospital.....where there was no parking space...managed to park far far away, got to appointment just in time and then spent a happy 30 minutes in the waiting room. after 30 minutes I was about to storm to the reception and shout around hysterically but after 31 minutes someone turned up, took child away, left me in waiting room with a lovely magazine about slebrities and how to make my house look nicer and my figure too (my fav kind of mag!) and, also, someone else's small children who made small child noises (ergh). and, um, then we found out that the doctor can see plobobalob (excuse the technical term) on her retina and that's something to keep an eye on (was it a pun or not?) but anyway, I don't know what it means so have decided that it's nothing to worry about. and then I got home to find a big mess, lots of cross people and food waiting to be cooked. the day marginally improved when the children went to bed and himself fell asleep on the sofa. but it was annoying to sit at my desk and nearly break my back because someone has been using my computer and has lowered my chair. isn't that kind of crime punishable with nasty and painful DEATH? it certainly should be.

here are some deeply symbolic apple rings, they symbolise erm.....mondayness

by the way, I have reincarnated as a miserable, complaining, finicky old git. juss so you knows.

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