Lost Between Worlds

By PaganParent

Everything I Got For Valentine's Day

and the day hadn't even started yet!!

I found this little set up this morning in my living room. My fiance, "Looney" decided to collect everything(almost) that he gave me, or that we did together, yesterday.

Everything on the outside has to do with the circus we went to. I posted a backblip of that here, of us with a clown....lol.

I was also spoiled with two boxes of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies...they are the absolute worst for me, but OMG, I just couldn't help drooling and he bought them!

The center, however, the center is the most thoughtful gift.

It is a small cupboard. We found it at the flea market after the circus. I have an obsession(through my faith) with the sun and the moon, and my constant need to find locations for my small pieces of my craft, incense, herbs and small candles(tealights and the such).

Well, he knew that and purchased this for me, so I would have a storage area suitable to place on my altar. It came prepainted with two large moon figures on either side, with faces, and the suns on the front. I love it...it made the entire day even that much better.

It is great to have a person love me enough to know how much something that can seem so insignificant can mean so much.

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