Learning day by day

By EmmaF

St.Mary's (long range view)

Unfortunately the vomiting continued and then Carys started with earache, so no one got much sleep at all. Daddy dragged himself to work, very bleary eyed and both children slept until 8.45 (sure sign that they are ill as normal wakey up time is 06.30 ay a push).

Early blip of St. Marys across the car park on the way to the GP, unlikely to get another chance I feel.

Needless to say William tried to prove me a liar by being very chipper but was given diaoralyte as has kept nothing down for 18hrs now. Carys made up for his chipperness by vomiting on the floor (narrowly missing the poor Doctor's shoes) as her ears were being examined. Nothing to show, therefore a virus and nothing to help bar pink medicine.

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