
By angelicbrianne


Twins at heart is the best way to describe my brother and myself. Even though I discovered a family on December 18th, 2010 that turned out to be much more wonderful than I have ever imagined, I realized that I had so much love for this man that I didn't know I had.

When we finally hugged each other for the first time there were tears in his eyes, but my heart was swelling up just as big as his eyes. For some reason I have never felt so connected to an individual. When I left his arms I just wished the feeling I had when I was in them would carry on with me, always. I saw the love he had for his once lost baby sister, and I felt the love for him.

Once we went our separate ways I just knew it wasn't right, we had to be connected again. I wrote to my family and we saw each other a few hours after and they lead me to the plane that would take me home. Leaving them was such a hard thing to do. My brother and I only continue to get closer.

It blows my mind that we have almost everything in common. Our sense of humor, tastes, and personality. It breaks my heart that we have been apart for so long but it doesn't hurt that bad because I know that for all these years... We have always had that connection that no one could ever take from us.

I love you Richard!

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