Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Crane & Palms

A lovely day today, temperature in the 60s, the sun shining and a bright blue sky. A perfect day for taking photographs.

I headed to the construction site in the Brooklyn area of Jacksonville again. On previous visits I have taken the Canon but today I fancied the wide-angle view of the 28mm equivalent lens on the Ricoh.

This shot of a Grove mobile crane and palm trees appealed to me, especially in the high contrast B&W mode. It was a tough call with several other shots in contention, even some colour ones. :-)

I did get asked by a police patrol officer what I was doing as I was photographing run-off rivulets on the side of the huge piles of sand. He grinned when I explained but accepted the explanation. With the small Ricoh, he did not realize I had a camera with me. We chatted for five or 10 minutes.

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