It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

Through the keyhole!

This is Berry Pomroy castle. Went there with Tom today. Had quite a few shots to chose from.. Was rather difficult! anyway, am having to upload this using my phone again... So will edit this in a sec and write more on my computer...

I am now on my computer!

So, Tom drove today and he said that he didn't fancy going down country lanes or anywhere muddy... so the first place we went was... country lanes and on a muddy path around this castle... the path got more and more wild, steep and slippery to the point we wondered if we'd get back up again.. then we got to a bit that went up... it had loads of brambles and slippery rocks but a good bit of climbing later we made it up... good fun!

We later went to Dartington cider press for a walk along the river... there were some steps with a sign saying they were uneven.. made us laugh as it was positively civilised in comparison to the trek we'd just been on!

Here is a gallery of the shots I got today.

Thanks for looking!

Sorry if I confused people... this was taken with my dSLR... I just had to upload it using the iPhone app because I'm having the problem of not being able to upload normally again today... strange.. over christmas it was a BT thing.. it seems to happen from time to time, a bit annoying but there you go. This also explains why there is no larger version available.

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