jeni and the beans

By themessymama


My family. And me! Love my family.

Severely lacking in blipsperation today. Although, I did get a break. Band practice this morning for an hour and three quarters. Just what I needed, to get out, to play music with friends, to have a laugh. Good practice. Steve coped with Ben on his own this morning despite needing dosing up with meds and painkillers, and this afternoon I even managed to get round to vinegaring Ben's bedroom door (we had it dipped a while back, it might have been close to a year ago and I have only just got round to neutralising the salts!). Tomorrow I'm going to spend some quality time digging out what looks like about a hundred nails from the poor thing, and filling all the holes. Door dentistry. Baked a batch of cupcakes by request from Steve, Ben couldn't wait for them to be iced so we have already had two each. I'm not sure they're going to actually make it to icing stage.

Done a bit of work on the new website. Done some planning, some research, some thinking. Written stuff down so it's not just floating around in my head. Had to dig my ego out of its box: it's impossible to even think about self-promotion without a healthy dose of ego. Back in its box again now - ego not good when playing in the band at church!!

Tired now. Bedtime. I love the times when I get the chance to sit and play with a photograph. I love taking the photograph in the first place, I love setting them up, I love playing around with settings, I love it most when I have the time to do that. And I love seeing the unedited picture being exactly what I wanted, and I love seeing that picture being transformed into the image I had in mind :) It's a happy process. It doesn't happen like that all that often, usually the pictures of Ben are grabbed rather than staged, but this one was planned - I was to be the focus (for a change!) with my family around me. Getting on with life. (Or in this case, playing wakeboarding on the wii.)

G'night :) x

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