The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Sleepover Saturday

Whenever possible, Hannah and Ella engineer a way to have a sleepover - generally one that involves watching at least one movie and then lying blethering until they drift off to sleep. Thankfully they haven't yet managed to sneak food upstairs for any midnight snacks (although the crumbs under Hannah's bed would indicate that a couple of Snowballs might have reached a grizzly end in her room...)

It was a dreich day today so we decided to head into town for the much anticipated cinema day. We went for lunch to Zizzi's - delicious pizza and pasgetti bolognese (Ella's pronunciation is so much better than the real thing) - and then went to see "Tangled". It was a hoot, the kids loved it and it was nice hanging out with them today (Callum caused a commotion in Union Square by running around like an eijit but was perfectly behaved at Zizzi's and the cinema so we can live with the mayhem in the shopping centre).

And now for wine and "Boardwalk Empire" - I am officially hooked. Between that and the re-runs of "The Sopranos" I am a real convert to Sky Atlantic.

Have a good Sunday blippers - think we'll be setting up a Polytunnel chez Michie HQ.

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