Prima Ballerina

Busy, busy day - did my usual morning errands, then pilates class, then met C for a quick lunch. She introduced me to a new favorite spot - Bakery Nouveau. It reminded me of the cafes in France and the food was divine! I got the veggie sandwich, and we shared a slice of the ratatouille pizza, and a chocolate hazelnut croissant. The cap was tasty - coffee from the Lighthouse Roasters . I've been drinking my coffee black or without sugar these days (thanks to C from our camping trip - it's far sexier to drink your coffee black, I think, and C is one of the sexiest people I know).

Afterwards I went to work for the afternoon. Got home, had 15 minutes to change, then we headed out to see the PNB's version of Cinderella. A patient of mine was one of the kids chosen to perform (and she was the childhood version of Cinderella)! Must be a little girl's dream come true.

After the show we went to Serious Pie for a late dinner - the place has always been packed when we try to get in, so tonight was a good night to go. Had a tasty kale salad, and then a chanterelle pizza with truffle cheese and the guanciale/soft egg/arugula pizza. Mmmmm.

Whew - super packed day!

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