Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Kinetic photography

An early start today meant I saw the dawn rising over the A1, but I couldn't stop to photograph it. Then the clouds drew over and it hasn't stopped raining since really.

Looking for indoor inspiration Google reminded me it was Thomas Edison's 164th birthday today. Unfortunately I have already blipped my lightbulb so something else to do with lightbulbs and electricity perhaps.

I have seen Cymbelines Physiogram and that clinched it. Very inspiring.

I think there is a lot more mileage in this technique, a lot more to explore. Once started it is difficult to stop - just one more shot this time I will swing it this way etc. etc.

I could have carried on for ages.

Anyway I had to stop - another early start tomorrow. A trip to Warwick with Hugo for his badminton tournament, so maybe some castle photos? Lets hope the weather is a bit better!

Have a nice weekend everyone.

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