
By dogwithnobrain

It's Lovely Down in the Woods Today.....

I like yarn.

I could stand for an hour or two in the yarn shop. I love the colours, I love the feel. I try not to go, because I can't resist buying a ball. I make squares, and scarfs, and I frequently make Hats.

My hats are a great source of joy for everyone. Not only because they are cosy and warm, but because they tend to unravel from the center out, and become snoods.

On Blip I found a little woollen bear, and the Blipper was asking if anyone else would like to make these little bears for Charity! Not terribly sure they'd want this one. He has some form of physical disability. One leg has elephantistis, one arm points down, one arm points up. Oh Dearie me!

Once I knitted a baby jacket for my Cousin's baby (Ruth, that's you), It was beautiful. Apart from the fact I sewed the arms on upside down, so instead of the arms laying by the side, they pointed directly up. Tragic.

However, it is not the quality. It is but the love with which I stitch these things, and I know, that one or other of cats will love this bear with all it's heart.

I am going to keep trying. I've even started on no. 2. It's the only way to get them better! I'm sure I will be able to produce a sensible looking one!

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