With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Agu will you... and Ben please...

Get off the sofa, stop tormenting the cat, get on with your homework.....

My sons are procrastinators supreme, and today they got away with it for quite some time. Birth stories over dinner had them in stitches (how apt!) and I wonder what kind of mother I am sometimes.

I was in a great mood, after some very funny phrases at work...

"Biology is great, because you get to feel your own organs" and the Uncle Jack story (I really can't tell it, but ph, I am still giggling and had to wipe tears from my eyes for the rest of the lesson. Hope you found the cable. It's not my fault, honest!)

And then the most wonderful half hour. Whilst little Agu had his training session and Ben was kept from goalie training due to sore throat (he has to stand still for far too long and has never missed a training session yet), we knocked a tennis ball about the court for a while. Me and my 9 year old son, playing tennis together! I doubt I will be able to hold my ground with him as the years go by, but I didn't hold back with my forehand and he sent them back over the net at some pace. "Blumin' egg!" as little Agu would say.

If I can't manage to get them to hurry up, we get there in the end and have a stupendous time trying. Que buena, la vida!

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